What Types of Issues Do Municipal Laws Address?
The State of Arizona has numerous state laws that govern municipalities. Title 9 Cities and Towns of the Arizona Revised Statutes provides an idea of how extensive municipal laws are. Some of the areas addressed include the following:
- Incorporation, disincorporation and reincorporation
- Consolidation of towns
- Incorporation, annexation and operation of a city or town in more than one county
- Government formation
- Change from town to city organization
- City adoption of charter government
- Purchase sale or lease of property
- Housing development
- Public library
- Cemeteries
- Municipal planning
- Municipal zoning
- Open space conservation
- Building permits
- Municipal subdivision regulations
- Extension of corporate limits
- Audit provisions
- Taxation
In addition to these laws, cities are also subject to federal laws governing the environment. Municipalities are also subject to their own ordinances that address specific issues, such as zoning and land use.
Whether a city requires general counsel advice or representation for specific issues, an Arizona municipal law attorney can provide valuable legal guidance.
The Benavidez Law Group, P.C. has several decades of experience serving as general and special counsel to municipal government entities in Tucson and surrounding areas.